Hello and Welcome!
Please Get to know Us!
Hello and Welcome!
Please Get to know Us!
Please Get to know Us!
Please Get to know Us!
Hello We are Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Jeannette Rodriguez. The call we received from God is to help Pastor and share the Love of Jesus Christ throughout the United States and North America with a Spiritual focus in the Native Communities. The call was established on
Our ministry is set out to help establish Christian-Faith youth centers, men and women recovery homes, and places of worship throughout the United States with a primary focus in Native Communities. We will partner with other organizations as well with similar interests.
Evangelize in the Native communities while earning and developing the love and respect within the communities. Develop life-long Spiritual relationships as extended families and joint partnerships. Learn, adapt, and honor the communities’ customs and traditions while balancing the Spiritual Christian-Faith with an emphasis to usher as many Souls into the presence and into a life-long relationship with Christ.
Foundation President and General Overseer of this Apostolic Ministry.
Foundation VP and Executive Administrator.
Pastor and Overseer of the Sister Ministry in To'hajiilee NM.
Ministry Counselor and Guide.
Community Outreaches
Weekly Sunday Services
-MIDDLE VERDE RECREATION CENTER: 2400 West Datsi Ave., Camp Verde AZ
**Ministering the Word of God to the Yavapai-Apache Nation and their surrounding communities in Middle Verde Reservation.
-TO'HAJIILEE NEW MEXICO: Jared & Chrystal Monte residence
**Ministering the Word of God to the Navajo Nation and their surrounding communities in To'hajiilee Reservation.
Homeless Ministry
-TARGETING THE VERDE VALLEY OF ARIZONA: Where we will reach out to the homeless population to feed them, provide hygiene essentials for men and women, and to encourage them with the Word of God. Schedule will be determined case-by-case in 2024.
Youth Ministries
-BACK-TO-SCHOOL: Equipping the youth in the (5) Yavapai-Apache Nation Reservations of Camp Verde, Middle Verde, Tunlii, Clarkdale and Rimrock for grades K-12 with school supplies and backpacks for school year 2024/2025. Exact date and location TBD but will be targeting mid-to-late July 2024 at the Heritage Park in Middle Verde Reservation (Camp Verde).
-KICKBOX FITNESS: Using kickboxing techniques to minister exercise routines and focusing on boys and girls ages 8-18. Some of the exercises will include pad-punching and kicking, heavy bag, speed bag, jump roping, shadow boxing, routines, medicine ball and crazy ball. This will be FITNESS ONLY workouts for cardio and muscle conditioning and coordination. This program will be free to the community and targeting the Yavapai-Apache Nation Reservation in Middle Verde at the Recreation Center. Our goal is to implement this ministry by the first/second quarter of 2024 and will determine then the weekly schedule.
-SUNDAY SCHOOL: Providing the youth with weekly Sunday services, teaching them the basic Biblical values with fun activities, such as planting, coloring, games and plays to name some. This program will be free to the community and targeting the Yavapai-Apache Nation Reserve in Middle Verde at the Recreation Center.
-FIELD TRIPS: Planning field trips in 2024 in the Spring and Fall Seasons. Exact dates and focus will be determined at a later date and will be provided free-of-charge to the Sunday School Youth participants in the Yavapai-Apache Nation.
-MOVIE NIGHTS: Random movie nights provided for the Yavapai-Apache Nation community. Exact dates and times to be determined. Plan to roll-out within first quarter of 2024.
-CHRISTMAS GIFTS GIVING (see Annual Christmas Special details)
Annual Christmas Special
Blessing the community with Christmas dinner packages, Christmas plays/activities with music and message, followed by providing children’s gifts. Exact date TBD but will be in December 2024 and targeting the Yavapai-Apache Nation Reservation and its (5) communities. ***While supplies last***
Online Ministries
You-Tube Videos
-Provide encouraging and teaching lessons on this platform to reach a broader audience with the Bible world-wide.
**Prophetic Voice: is a group of seasoned prophets speaking to Biblical prophecies and granular prophetic releases of current events and spiritually trending and evaluating openly and encouragingly. This is done twice-annually.
**Sunday Services (Sermon).
-Livestreaming weekly Sunday Services.
-Periodically Livestreaming Bible Studies.
Ministry Van
-Obtained a 12 passenger van April of 2023 for future youth field trips and weekly elder pick-ups for Sunday services in the nearing Yavapai-Apache Tribal community in Camp Verde AZ.
**Elder pick-ups soon to be planned and coordinated. Will advise soon...
Book Released
-THE BOOK: Unforgivable Sin, has been published as of May of 2023. The book sales will go 100% towards the missions of the ministry outlined through May 2026 (3 years).
**Planning to author future books as well – next will be a youth study packet titled: ‘Seeds of Life’. Exciting! No exact timing on this publish. Will advise in future.
***Special thanks to all our loving sponsors who volunteer their precious time serving along side us and those who monetarily give to the foundation's causes and help make these community services possible!!! ***
We encourage you to donate to our causes. Please see our Missions and Current Events for ministry details.
We are a 501c3 non-profit and your giving is tax deductible.
You may Zelle to: lotrministries@yahoo.com
Write check payable to: Living on the Rock Ministries
Or, PayPal option below.
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